See Hear Project - Creating Animation to sound - Timeline

Week 1

Track evaluation 
 (Track by Carl Stalling - Composer for Tom and Jerry etc.)

First impression:
Begining was heavy , dark and long, second part was more jumpy and colorful and short. Heavy sharp sound cut at the end.

Begining- heavy, black, dark, chalk, heavy steps on wooden floor, close loud sound, bass tube like, monothomy, seem long, deep, fat, funny(fat guy), walking down stairs

Crash 1-  tempo is changing and crash divides contrast between first and second part of track and separates low and high sound, disruption

Second part- violin, piano, light, fast, action, running, chasing, colorful, bussy

Crash 2- loud, sharp, heavy, straight cut.

Sketching out Ideas

Thinking of action

Trying out different techniques

chalk and paint


Noisia - Machine Gun
This video is an abstract story of mankind and it's self-destructiveness, loosely based on the tale of Frankenstein's monster, which is exactly what a machine gun is.

Working with Dope Sheets

Rough timeline idea of timeline

Completed timeline 

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