Hiden Story Animation


My inspiration and starting point was object that I found in museum of childhood. 
Print - Bubbles; A child's World. It is advertisement for Pear Soap, painted in 1886 by Artist Millais. 

I wanted to create story behind this image but concentrate mainly on bubble pipe (cherry pipe). Main inspiration for me were bubbles as I associate them with good memories from childhood and this feeling I wanted to create in story.

Soap bubbles in dreams :

In General: Maybe soap bubbles in the dream are an expression of the childish need to have fun. On the other hand, soap bubbles make the passing nature of the luck and his longing for illusions deliberate to the dreaming. Soap bubble symbolises the transitoriness, - this mostly refers to expectations, hopes or illusions which are not fulfilled.

 Psychologically: Soap bubbles are wonderful, but Extremely breakable. They remind the dreaming of the fact that the existence of the person is transient that nothing always lasts. She lets our hopes and illusions in the awake life only burst too easily.

Spiritually: At the spiritual level the soap bubble in the dream symbolises the illusionary element of the everyday life and particularly the day dream.


Also You will enjoy a short luck.

Style Inspiration


Main influence was Monty Python animations made by Terry Gilliam. Cut outs animated in traditional way. I really like how he created humorous animations with this simple style. I wanted to create funny animation within my story but I had to give up on this idea as my story was too complicated and this would be too much. But I still will stick to cut outs but maybe not use traditional way to edit but computer programs like Flash or After Effect.

When looking at other animations in cut out style I came across Yellow Submarine movie by The Beatles. I found this really interesting and inspiring at the same time. It wasn't the same traditional style as Monty Python but more created digitally.

Print screens from movie

Research Bubble Pipe:

Story Ides:

storyboard for the first scene 

Idea of background for the first scene 

Girl - character idea
Background idea for tree-house scene

Quick storyboard

First storyboard. This is much different than final animation as i had to cut lots of parts out.


Each shot consist of individual pieces, later combined together.

First Scene




 Hand with pipe

 shot from finished scene, hand with pipe + background

 Drawings of Characters them on tree house

Tree house

shot from final animation

 Reference I used for my running sequence

I wanted to take and use as much information from this poster as I could. In my story I wanted to include boy from this poster but not only show him as child but also as an adult who by having contact with bubbles brings back his memories from childhood.
I wanted to create dreaming adventure, that brings his memories back from most recent to those further away. As he blows the bubble we move into dreaming life of his subconscious. We are not sure if those images are real things that happened in the past or if it all is just creation of his imagination.
As bubble pops and we are back to reality we can see connection of his dream experience with present. Girl he saw in his memories seems to be love from childhood and have strong connection with girl from real life. At the end we are back to reality and they are facing each other with out a word. I wanted to get create feeling that not only he realize that there is connection between girl from his memories and girl from real life but also we realize that she gets the same feeling that she knows him from somewhere wondering if she seen his memories or not.

Story in my final animation changed, I had to make it shorter to manage finish it in time.

And here is End Result:

Bubble from Dominika Jackowska on Vimeo.


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